Author: Selma K. Published: May 2018
Have you ever wanted to take the risk?
If you decide to take professional or personal risk, always think about the possibilities. The risk does not necessarily mean something dangerous, it can be fun. Avoiding the risks you avoid to take advantage of the full potential of your life.
The risk is, by nature, something terrible - uncertain and unpredictable. You can lose your life savings or lose face. You risk the criticism and humiliation, a situation that you have to start all over again. You gave up because you know what could possibly happen. The award can be great, but also the loss.
In today's world, everything is subordinated to the fact that risks are avoided. We live in a different world from our ancestors. They used to sit around the fire and roamed through the forests in search of food. Today, the primary is the safety of life. Cars are tested and the security guarantee (in our homes security systems are installed). Appliances that are tested and manage potential risk are minimized. All precautions have been achieved. We have provided our own lives. But if this is the solution what will you get? Full control over your life? Seemingly yes, but that does not make us fully protected. By refusing to take the risk you miss the adventure called life. With avoiding risks, you avoid the life.
Let's see one example. The decision of doctors to operate on the twins that are connected with brain tissue. Nurses are also ready to take the risk and go for surgery. They were aware that the chances are big they will not survive. But they wanted to take the risk and try to live a normal life. And the operation was successful.
Of course, this is one of '' severe '' case. We are in daily life faced with the much milder forms of risk, but again, a large number is not ready to accept it. Not determined. And it sets them apart from successful people. Some people just want to live their tucked away and safe life, a second risk, coming to grips with all the chances. Even if they lose, they get up and move on. Because they are aware that they have tried. That is the key factor. Accept the fact that defeat is sometimes an integral part of the success.
Why would someone need to take the risk?
- Risk gives you the opportunity to realize your dreams, to discover your talents, interests, and abilities.
- Risk teaches you to set goals and follows them.
- Allows you to feel powerful and pro-active - solve things, rather than waiting to happen.
- It opens you new ideas, skills, abilities and experience.
- Risk allows you to face your fears. And to overcome them.
- The risk is exciting. It makes you live.
When it comes to risk-taking, there are two extremes. Some people are afraid of even reasonable risks, wanting guaranteed results. This leads to a life that is passive and dull. Other easily accept the risks, believing that their willingness to jump seem brave. Taking risks without thinking is stupid, and such people generally should expect the collection of broken dreams.
The risk is to be exposed to the possibilities of poor outcome, a risk management means planning and taking action to solve the situation in your favor. The risk is banal even in getting out of bed, going out on the street, driving a car. The risk is also when you're on a plane, you expect to die somewhere around 1 in 500,000. If you cross the street, you have a 1 in 1,000,000 chance that you are hit by a car. Every action you take or not, entails certain risks. This means that you are partly destined to control the outcome of a potential risk.
Among risky decisions includes international career, for example, changing the job. When you need to leave your environment, security, or you have to decide to accept work outside of your own country. The development of an international career primarily represents uncertainty. It tells you the feeling of insecurity, because you may at some point realize that you are not fit, come to the fore cultural differences. Do not let your insecurity get you down in the decision to take a risk. To make the most of the opportunity. Sometimes those are the best opportunities behind which are the most question marks. Think about what you're missing a chance in the case to cancel. You may go on the secure career path, miss the opportunity to get to know new people and tempt the business contacts, you'll miss the opportunity to get to know the country where you are.
What is the worst case scenario? In order not to find your way around, you might get fired, lose time and possibly money. For this, you need to be prepared. If you do not accept, then you are not even destined for great success. Be satisfied with your life, work and spend rest of life dreaming. Do you often wonder what would have happened if you had the courage to accept the risk?
The people you admire, who have achieved some success in life, are those who were willing to take risks. I don’t know how many times I repeated in this text the word risk, but it is crucial to understand that this is exactly what you can change in your life. All of us sometimes repeatedly risked life, made decisions for which people thought was irrational.
There is a risk that in times of economic crisis and instability, we face at the time as a state, quit and sail into a completely new profession. It opened entirely new horizons in life. If you want something, do not deny yourself the right to accomplish it. To miss the chance to be happy. Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you may not. These omissions make you understand what it takes to succeed. Because risking means also planning. There is no magic formula for managed risk, but careful preparation and forethought can reduce risk and increase your chance to win. Hold your eyes open. The point is not to risk when your eyes are closed and jump into the unknown.
Life does not come with guarantees. The risk is maybe scary, it can be interesting and fun. You do not have to be a gambler by nature to enjoy the excitement that risk brings. Sometimes there are ten reasons why you should take the risk and only one why you should not. If you do not accept that you try you will never know what is waiting for you at the end of the road. Or you will do something, or the story ends. Because, in the end, we always feel sorry for the chances we missed and the things we did not do.
Play it! The world is an empty shell wherein your mind endlessly cheerful and crazy. Wherever you find satisfaction it comes true.
The expectations of others? Why should contemplate what others expect? It is important to fill out your own expectations. It does not matter whether someone likes what you're doing, but whether you like and whether you fulfill your own vision.