Benefits of Contingency Recruiting

Author: Halley Harrelson Published: November 2022

What is contingency recruitment?

Contingency recruiting is when a business hires a recruiting agency to find potential employees for an open position. There are many benefits of using contingency recruitment.

Reducing employee turnover – high turnover rates can cost a business lot of time, money, and resources. Contingency recruitment reduces and could eliminate employee turnover. This can save a lot of money and energy for the business.

Minimize overtime – you can reduce overtime costs by as much as 75% if you hire capable and proficient employees.

Lowering training budgets – companies that continue to hire and fire unqualified workers continue to spend much money on training. Again, contingency recruitment can help with this since the person hired will be the most qualified for the position.

Finding the better fit – contingency recruitment companies have access to candidates from all over the country, so you are not limited to those in your area. They can refer a potential employee who is perfectly matched for the position.

Increased workforce quality–this is contingency recruitment's most crucial benefit. It eliminates unqualified applicants and allows you to hire those who are the perfect match for the position.

Fast turnaround time – using a staffing company to help recruit candidates for a job opening can speed up the hiring process. Hiring as soon as possible is essential for many businesses.

You can get multiple hires instead of just one – the staffing company will present various perfect matches, so you have the potential to make numerous hires for this opportunities.